Inquiries and Complaints
Inquiries regarding Fuller’s Policy Against Unlawful Discrimination, Policy Against Sexual Harassment, Policy Against Sexual Misconduct, Policy Against Retaliation, Statements of Community Standards, filing of a complaint pertaining to discrimination or sexual harassment or sexual misconduct or retaliation or violations of Community Standards, or requests for copies of the seminary’s complaint procedures, should be directed to the Executive Director of the Office of Student Concerns, (626) 584-5678, 130 N. Oakland Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101.
Inquiries regarding Title IX, Title VI, and Section 504 should be directed to the Executive Director of the Office of Student Concerns (Title IX, Title VI, and Section 504 Coordinator), (626) 584-5678, [email protected], 130 N. Oakland Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101.
Inquiries regarding Federal laws and regulations concerning nondiscrimination in education or the seminary’s compliance with those provisions may also be directed to:
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
50 United Nations Plaza, Room 239
San Francisco, CA 94102