Weapons Policy
Possession of Weapons on Seminary Property in California
The possession of weapons by employees, students, faculty, or any person providing services on seminary property in California, is prohibited. Seminary property includes property owned or leased by the seminary or occupied by groups of seminary employees or persons providing services to the seminary. This policy prohibits the possession of concealed weapons as well as weapons carried openly, and specifically includes guns, rifles and firearms of any type, including those for which the holder has a legal permit. Other examples of prohibited weapons include, but are not limited to, knives, ammunition, bombs, bows and arrows, clubs, slingshots, blackjacks, metal knuckles and similar devices that by their design or intended use are capable of inflicting serious bodily injury or lethal force. This prohibition applies unless the possession of the weapon is with the written permission of the seminary president, his or her designee, or equivalent seminary authority. Please contact [email protected] concerning exemptions or for any questions.
You will find the most up-to-date text of the Weapons Policy on the Fuller website at https://www.fuller.edu/about/institutional-reports-and-documents/institutional-policies-procedures-and-resources/#weapons.